
Processing script that creates shapes from lines only

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What is it?

Lining-draw is Processing project that can draw various shapes from border-to-border lines only.

All you can draw are curves, by increasing or decreasing the coordinates of the lines.

What it looks like

Here are two examples of pre-recorded figures:



How to use

Processing is required.

  1. Download or clone the repository
  2. In the drawing/ directory, run drawing.pde
  3. Click the run button to execute

Code explanation

In the drawing/ directory, there are three scripts:

What you can change

In the drawing.pde script, you can modify the size of the result window. By changing the step value, you change how dense it is filled. The figure variable is only used in the switch that makes you changing the figure quickly.

You can add you own figures in the figures.pde script. Make sure you understand how the others work.

Repository status: Finished

The project was a short one, the author worked alone on this for a short time. The code is given to the GitHub Community for free, only under th MIT License, that is not too restrictive.

If you want to add some features, just fork the repository. There is no plan to accept Pull Requests, but who knows.

Processing compatibility

As it is a small project, the code has only been tested under Processing 3 (3.5.4). I hope it will work with every older and newer versions.

Enjoy !