Module dictionary

This module allows you to manage input and output files and to process the dictionary.

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## This module allows you to **manage** input and output files and to **process** the dictionary.

from statistics import quantiles
from fractions import Fraction

# Input and output file management #

def open_alphabet (filename):
    `open_alphabet()` gets the input alphabet from a file.

    * **filename** (*str*): the name of the file to open (`read` mode)
    * **return** (*list*): the input alphabet
    f = open(filename, "r")
    alphabet =' ')
    while '\n' in alphabet:
    alphabet.insert(0, '')
    return alphabet

def open_dictionaries(filenames):
    `open_dictionary()` gets the input dictionary from a file.

    * **filenames** (*list*): the list of names of files to open (`read` mode)
    * **return** (*list*): the input dictionary
    for filename in filenames:
        f = open(filename, "r")
        dictionary ='\n')
        to_del = []
        for word in dictionary:
            if word.startswith('#') or word == '' or word == ' ':
        for word in to_del:
    return dictionary

def get_alphabet_from_dict(dictionary):
    `get_alphabet_from_dict()` gets the alphabet from the dictionary by adding each used letter.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (before processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the alphabet based on the letters used in the dictionary
    alphabet = []
    for word in dictionary:
        for letter in word:
            if not letter in alphabet:

    alphabet = list(sorted(set(alphabet)))
    alphabet.insert(0, '')
    return alphabet

def write_clean_dictionary(dictionary, filename):
    `write_clean_dictionary()` writes the processed dictionary in a file.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (after processing)
    * **filename** (*str*): the name of the file to open (`write` mode)
    * **return** (*None*)
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    for word in dictionary:

def write_generated_words(word_list, filename):
    `write_generated_words()` writes the list of generated words in a file.

    * **word_list** (*str*): the string that contain all generated words
    * **filename** (*str*): the name of the file to open (`write` mode)
    * **return** (*None*)
    f = open(filename, 'w')

# Dictionary processing #

def process_dictionary (dictionary):
    `process_dictionary()` sorts the dictionary and removes duplicated words.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the sorted dictionary without duplicated words
    return sorted(set(dictionary))

def get_average_size(dictionary, percent):
    `get_average_size()` gets the minimum and maximum size values for which a percentage of words in dictionary lie between them.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **percent** (*int*): the percentage of words within the interval 
    * **return** (*list*): the minimum and maximum size values
    # p: percentage (0<p<1)
    # n: number of quantiles
    # o: offset on each side
    dict_len = [len(word) for word in dictionary]
    (o,n)=(b-a,2*b) if (b-a)%2 == 1 else ((b-a)//2,b)
    return (quantiles(dict_len, n=n)[o-1], quantiles(dict_len, n=n)[-o])

def remove_missing_letters(dictionary, missing_letters):
    `get_missing_letters()` removes from the dictionary every word that uses at least one letter that is not in the alphabet.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **missing_letters** (*list*): letters used in the dictionary that are not in the alphabet
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary without any word that contain one word from **missing_letters**
    words_to_del = []
    for letter in missing_letters:
        for word in dictionary:
            if letter in word:
    words_to_del = set(words_to_del)
    for word in words_to_del:
    return dictionary

def get_missing_letters (dictionary, alphabet):
    `get_missing_letters()` gets every word from the dictionary that uses at least one letter that is not in the alphabet.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **alphabet** (*list*): the used alphabet (from input file or from dictionary)
    * **return** (*list*): the list of letters used at least once in the dictionary that are not in the alphabet
    missing_letter = []
    for word in dictionary:
        for letter in word:
            if not letter in alphabet and not letter in missing_letter:
    return (missing_letter)

def print_plural_words (dictionary, lang):
    `print_plural_words()` prints every word from the dictionary that is already in the dictionary in singular form.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **lang** (*str*): the language used to follow plural rules (only `FR` is available yet)
    * **return** (*None*)
    if lang == 'fr':
        for word in dictionary:
            l = len(word)
            if word[l-1] == 's'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or word[l-1] == 'x'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'al' in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'ail' in dictionary:
    # insert here plural rules from other languages

def remove_plural_words (dictionary, lang):
    `remove_plural_words()` removes from the dictionary every word that is already in the dictionary in singular form.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **lang** (*str*): the language used to follow plural rules (only `FR` is available yet)
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary without duplicated words in singular / plural forms
    words_to_del = []
    if lang == 'fr':
        for word in dictionary:
            l = len(word)
            if word[l-1] == 's'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or word[l-1] == 'x'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'al' in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'ail' in dictionary:
    words_to_del = set(words_to_del)
    for word in words_to_del:
    # HERE insert plural rules from other languages
    return (dictionary)

def lower_case_words(dictionary):
    `lower_case_words()` lower-cases every word from the dictionary.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary with each word lower-cased
    return ([word.lower() for word in dictionary])

def print_acronyms (dictionary):
    `print_acronyms()` prints every acronyms from the dictionary.
    An acronyms is a word such as `word == word.upper()`.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*None*)
    for word in dictionary:
        if word == word.upper():

def remove_acronyms (dictionary):
    `remove_acronyms()` removes every acronyms from the dictionary.
    An acronyms is a word such as `word == word.upper()`.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary without acronyms
    words_to_del = []
    for word in dictionary:
        if word == word.upper():
    words_to_del = set(words_to_del)
    for word in words_to_del:
    return (dictionary)


def get_alphabet_from_dict(dictionary)

get_alphabet_from_dict() gets the alphabet from the dictionary by adding each used letter.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (before processing)
  • return (list): the alphabet based on the letters used in the dictionary
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def get_alphabet_from_dict(dictionary):
    `get_alphabet_from_dict()` gets the alphabet from the dictionary by adding each used letter.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (before processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the alphabet based on the letters used in the dictionary
    alphabet = []
    for word in dictionary:
        for letter in word:
            if not letter in alphabet:

    alphabet = list(sorted(set(alphabet)))
    alphabet.insert(0, '')
    return alphabet
def get_average_size(dictionary, percent)

get_average_size() gets the minimum and maximum size values for which a percentage of words in dictionary lie between them.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • percent (int): the percentage of words within the interval
  • return (list): the minimum and maximum size values
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def get_average_size(dictionary, percent):
    `get_average_size()` gets the minimum and maximum size values for which a percentage of words in dictionary lie between them.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **percent** (*int*): the percentage of words within the interval 
    * **return** (*list*): the minimum and maximum size values
    # p: percentage (0<p<1)
    # n: number of quantiles
    # o: offset on each side
    dict_len = [len(word) for word in dictionary]
    (o,n)=(b-a,2*b) if (b-a)%2 == 1 else ((b-a)//2,b)
    return (quantiles(dict_len, n=n)[o-1], quantiles(dict_len, n=n)[-o])
def get_missing_letters(dictionary, alphabet)

get_missing_letters() gets every word from the dictionary that uses at least one letter that is not in the alphabet.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • alphabet (list): the used alphabet (from input file or from dictionary)
  • return (list): the list of letters used at least once in the dictionary that are not in the alphabet
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def get_missing_letters (dictionary, alphabet):
    `get_missing_letters()` gets every word from the dictionary that uses at least one letter that is not in the alphabet.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **alphabet** (*list*): the used alphabet (from input file or from dictionary)
    * **return** (*list*): the list of letters used at least once in the dictionary that are not in the alphabet
    missing_letter = []
    for word in dictionary:
        for letter in word:
            if not letter in alphabet and not letter in missing_letter:
    return (missing_letter)
def lower_case_words(dictionary)

lower_case_words() lower-cases every word from the dictionary.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • return (list): the dictionary with each word lower-cased
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def lower_case_words(dictionary):
    `lower_case_words()` lower-cases every word from the dictionary.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary with each word lower-cased
    return ([word.lower() for word in dictionary])
def open_alphabet(filename)

open_alphabet() gets the input alphabet from a file.

  • filename (str): the name of the file to open (read mode)
  • return (list): the input alphabet
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def open_alphabet (filename):
    `open_alphabet()` gets the input alphabet from a file.

    * **filename** (*str*): the name of the file to open (`read` mode)
    * **return** (*list*): the input alphabet
    f = open(filename, "r")
    alphabet =' ')
    while '\n' in alphabet:
    alphabet.insert(0, '')
    return alphabet
def open_dictionaries(filenames)

open_dictionary() gets the input dictionary from a file.

  • filenames (list): the list of names of files to open (read mode)
  • return (list): the input dictionary
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def open_dictionaries(filenames):
    `open_dictionary()` gets the input dictionary from a file.

    * **filenames** (*list*): the list of names of files to open (`read` mode)
    * **return** (*list*): the input dictionary
    for filename in filenames:
        f = open(filename, "r")
        dictionary ='\n')
        to_del = []
        for word in dictionary:
            if word.startswith('#') or word == '' or word == ' ':
        for word in to_del:
    return dictionary
def print_acronyms(dictionary)

print_acronyms() prints every acronyms from the dictionary. An acronyms is a word such as word == word.upper().

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • return (None)
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def print_acronyms (dictionary):
    `print_acronyms()` prints every acronyms from the dictionary.
    An acronyms is a word such as `word == word.upper()`.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*None*)
    for word in dictionary:
        if word == word.upper():
def print_plural_words(dictionary, lang)

print_plural_words() prints every word from the dictionary that is already in the dictionary in singular form.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • lang (str): the language used to follow plural rules (only FR is available yet)
  • return (None)
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def print_plural_words (dictionary, lang):
    `print_plural_words()` prints every word from the dictionary that is already in the dictionary in singular form.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **lang** (*str*): the language used to follow plural rules (only `FR` is available yet)
    * **return** (*None*)
    if lang == 'fr':
        for word in dictionary:
            l = len(word)
            if word[l-1] == 's'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or word[l-1] == 'x'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'al' in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'ail' in dictionary:
    # insert here plural rules from other languages
def process_dictionary(dictionary)

process_dictionary() sorts the dictionary and removes duplicated words.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • return (list): the sorted dictionary without duplicated words
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def process_dictionary (dictionary):
    `process_dictionary()` sorts the dictionary and removes duplicated words.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the sorted dictionary without duplicated words
    return sorted(set(dictionary))
def remove_acronyms(dictionary)

remove_acronyms() removes every acronyms from the dictionary. An acronyms is a word such as word == word.upper().

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • return (list): the dictionary without acronyms
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def remove_acronyms (dictionary):
    `remove_acronyms()` removes every acronyms from the dictionary.
    An acronyms is a word such as `word == word.upper()`.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary without acronyms
    words_to_del = []
    for word in dictionary:
        if word == word.upper():
    words_to_del = set(words_to_del)
    for word in words_to_del:
    return (dictionary)
def remove_missing_letters(dictionary, missing_letters)

get_missing_letters() removes from the dictionary every word that uses at least one letter that is not in the alphabet.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • missing_letters (list): letters used in the dictionary that are not in the alphabet
  • return (list): the dictionary without any word that contain one word from missing_letters
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def remove_missing_letters(dictionary, missing_letters):
    `get_missing_letters()` removes from the dictionary every word that uses at least one letter that is not in the alphabet.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **missing_letters** (*list*): letters used in the dictionary that are not in the alphabet
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary without any word that contain one word from **missing_letters**
    words_to_del = []
    for letter in missing_letters:
        for word in dictionary:
            if letter in word:
    words_to_del = set(words_to_del)
    for word in words_to_del:
    return dictionary
def remove_plural_words(dictionary, lang)

remove_plural_words() removes from the dictionary every word that is already in the dictionary in singular form.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (while processing)
  • lang (str): the language used to follow plural rules (only FR is available yet)
  • return (list): the dictionary without duplicated words in singular / plural forms
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def remove_plural_words (dictionary, lang):
    `remove_plural_words()` removes from the dictionary every word that is already in the dictionary in singular form.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (while processing)
    * **lang** (*str*): the language used to follow plural rules (only `FR` is available yet)
    * **return** (*list*): the dictionary without duplicated words in singular / plural forms
    words_to_del = []
    if lang == 'fr':
        for word in dictionary:
            l = len(word)
            if word[l-1] == 's'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or word[l-1] == 'x'and word[:l-1] in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'al' in dictionary \
            or l > 3 and word[l-3:l] == 'aux'and word[:l-3]+'ail' in dictionary:
    words_to_del = set(words_to_del)
    for word in words_to_del:
    # HERE insert plural rules from other languages
    return (dictionary)
def write_clean_dictionary(dictionary, filename)

write_clean_dictionary() writes the processed dictionary in a file.

  • dictionary (list): the input dictionary (after processing)
  • filename (str): the name of the file to open (write mode)
  • return (None)
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def write_clean_dictionary(dictionary, filename):
    `write_clean_dictionary()` writes the processed dictionary in a file.

    * **dictionary** (*list*): the input dictionary (after processing)
    * **filename** (*str*): the name of the file to open (`write` mode)
    * **return** (*None*)
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    for word in dictionary:
def write_generated_words(word_list, filename)

write_generated_words() writes the list of generated words in a file.

  • word_list (str): the string that contain all generated words
  • filename (str): the name of the file to open (write mode)
  • return (None)
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def write_generated_words(word_list, filename):
    `write_generated_words()` writes the list of generated words in a file.

    * **word_list** (*str*): the string that contain all generated words
    * **filename** (*str*): the name of the file to open (`write` mode)
    * **return** (*None*)
    f = open(filename, 'w')